Performance of Java on FBSD vs. others...

Nick Johnson freebsd at
Sun Nov 12 03:09:19 UTC 2006

On Sat, 11 Nov 2006, Nikos Ntarmos wrote:

> Ummm... It looks more like "apples under freebsd" and "apples under
> linux or win32" to me... :)

Not if the platform defaults differ, as I said.  Compare the defaults for 
survivor space on Windows vs Solaris for example.

> It appears like JIT isn't quite as good on BSDs as it is on linux or
> win32 or solaris. I scoured through the source code of the JDK and it's
> crawling with ifdef's where solaris and linux seem to be better
> instrumented than BSDs...

ifdefs are evaluated at compile time, so this would make no difference.

> Please note that I don't mean this e-mail (thread) as a "look, freebsd
> sucks" thing. After all, I've already said that freebsd _is_ my
> OS-of-choice for (at least) development chores. However, such a
> performance lag is a show-stopper for me (especially with various
> related deadlines approaching fast).

I think we'd all like to know what causes the performance difference, 
especially in the light that others of us haven't experienced it.  There 
may be something about your specific hardware configuration that FreeBSD 
handles less elegantly such that it's a general performance problem vs a 
Java one.

Have you run any benchmarks on the system itself?  Like something written 
in C or C++ using threads?  This might have nothing to do with Java at 


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get a house, have a kid, and that's it.  No, the truth is the world is so
much stranger than that.  It's so much darker, and so much madder.
And so much better.
   -- Elton, Doctor Who, "Love and Monsters"
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