Java, IPv6 and IPv4

Arseny Nasokin tarc at
Sun Jul 9 22:01:08 UTC 2006

Envirounment: FreeBSD >=5.3 (earler FreeBSD I don't test), SUN Jdk 1.4 and 1.5 

Exampe compilation for 1.4:
cd ${PORTSDIR}/java/jdk14 && make install -DWITH_LINUX_BOOTSTRAP -DMINIMAL -DWITH_IPV6

Exampe compilation for 1.5:
cd ${PORTSDIR}/java/jdk15 && make install -DWITHOUT_WEB -DWITH_IPV6

	If I don't enable WITH_IPV6, IPv6 cannot be accessed from Java programs, but I have to use the IPv6 & IPv4 in my network.
	If IPv6 enabled in Java, I cannot connect to any IPv4 address even I set the system property `'. 
	This is not good, because not all applications start allow add to java's arguments and/or envirounment this one (for example, Opera browser). 

What I want to see:
	When I enable IPv6, I can connect to IPv4 addresses

	add ability to autoload system properties, specific for my box (for example, from ${LOCALBASE}/etc/

   Best regards,
   	Arseny Nasokin

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