tomcat ports cleanup

Sam Lawrance boris at
Wed Feb 8 20:51:27 PST 2006

On 04/02/2006, at 1:10 AM, Sam Lawrance wrote:

> Hello folks.
> In response to PRs 38018, 38020, 83434, 74344, and 75143 and a  
> bunch of suggestions from Herve and #tomcat on FreeNode (thanks  
> jasonb), here's a patch to simplify and improve the tomcat55 port.   
> I have similar patches in the pipeline for tomcat41 and tomcat5  
> which also backport Herve's rc script to those ports.
> For maintainer and general review, here's the patch:


The changes went in for tomcat 4, 4.1, 5 and 5.5.  There were  
initially a couple problems with the rc script, but it should be fine  
now.  If any other problems arise, please let me know and I'll look  
at them ASAP.

Best regards,

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