Big problem with little java

Ivan Voras ivoras at
Wed Apr 19 13:22:56 UTC 2006

I have a (production) machine running tomcat 4.1, and have foolishly 
upgraded java from custom-compiled pre-diablo package (jdk-1.5.0p1_2) to 
diablo-jdk-freebsd6- This is on FreeBSD 6.0-R.

The pre-diablo version works fine, but this new version crashes around 
every 12 hours. Since it's a production machine I've reverted to the old 

I have a core dump (java.core) from the diablo-based version but it 
seems there are no debugging symbols in the binaries (?). If anyone is 
interested, I could upload it somewhere (it's 40MB gzipped).

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