Can we distribute JRE 1.4 on FreeBSD 5.4

Greg Lewis glewis at
Wed Sep 7 10:18:11 PDT 2005

On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 05:13:32AM -0700, Arvind Nahata wrote:
> I now have a ports/java/jdk14 and am installing the
> JDK on FreeBSD 5.4
> Once I have the JDK up, I will be able to create my
> application (system monitoring using JNI).
> To distribute the application on other platforms, I
> ship the JRE, how do I go about it on FreeBSD 5.4?
> Can we ship a JRE? If yes, where do I get it from?
> Please note that I will need a JRE 1.4.

Only a lawyer can answer this question for you.  You can't get it
from anywhere currently, you would need to build it.  Please read
the license you agreed to when you downloaded the source code.

Greg Lewis                          Email   : glewis at
Eyes Beyond                         Web     :
Information Technology              FreeBSD : glewis at

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