jdk-1.4.2p7 crashes with no indication of why

Chuck Robey chuckr at chuckr.org
Tue Mar 22 12:38:05 PST 2005

Greg Lewis wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2005 at 03:02:24PM -0300, Nicolas Gieczewski wrote:
>>The highest I've seen with top is SIZE/RES = 563M/234M, but that's not necessarily when it crashes. I've seen it crash at 559M/176M, for example, so it doesn't look like I'm hitting any specific limits.
> I don't suppose you have a small test app or some other way of reproducing
> the problem?  That would be helpful.
> Saving that, running things with java_g and gdb would be helpful.

I've never used any sort of java debugger at all, and since I am 
starting fresh here, a bit of advice is needed.  Java_g?

Maybe it's time to dig out my old java books, and write up a hello.java.


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