Crypto takes 17 seconds to wind up for the throw...

Iang iang at
Wed Nov 17 10:32:54 PST 2004


Thanks for that!  Below is a quick report on why
Cipher.getCipher() takes too long.

> Kinda late to feed back on this, but I ran into a similar problem a
while back, and it was fixed by setting up rndcontrol(8) to get a good
pool of entropy. Set something like:
> rand_irqs="5 10"
> in  /etc/rc.conf. The IRQs should of course be some where there is some
action. check the rndcontrol manpage...

Actually I ran into that
last month in a different circumstance, where unless
the rand_irqs has some irqs, it just blocks totally.

> The stuff you describe below is not quite like my problem, so you are
probably not helped by this, but maybe it's worth a try...

I'm conscious of promising more feedback on
this, even a detailed report which I should bug report
to Sun.  (But I ran out of time and also my thunderbird
was totally hosed, as were other KDE/gnome areas so
I'm limping at the moment.  I guess I just have to
upgrade from 4.9 to 5.3 when it gets into release.)

Anyway, this is the problem:  The JCE goes out to the
network stack and asks some mindless question like what
host am I.  If the machine is misconfigured, the question
doesn't come back for 17 seconds or so while the network
goes through some sort of try/this/timeout scenario.  As
soon as the network is properly configured, then it pops
back such that the entire process takes about a second.
Doing stack dumps or whathaveyou confirms that 98% of the
time is spent blocking on some network call.

Of course it is totally unacceptable for crypto code
to be dependent on the network, and introduces all sorts
of questions and potential security holes.  But, the JCE
is that, in a nutshell;  not something that was put
together for security ...

Why the JCE has decided to go out to the network is open
to speculation.  I've thought of several reasons;  One is
that it is an artifact of random x.509 cert usage in checking
the signatures on the libraries.  Another is that the
certs have OCSP enabled, and do a freshness check.  Third,
it is doing some sort of passive check on IP numbers
related to its policy.  Fourth, it's reporting in to

In order of likelihood ;)  The problem is that this sort of
heavy weight administration lumped on top of a bunch of
what should be slightly sophisticated maths methods is
becoming more and more OTT as time goes on.  First we had
the JCE itself, then we had the difficult-to-bypass API,
those silly but hard to find "policy files", then the
signed providers and now we have checks on the network.

It doesn't take a cryptographer to realise that this is
adding insecurity at all levels and the solution is to
get back to the basic maths.

Anyway, enough whinging.


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