EX-OR Boolean Operator in Java

Thorsten Greiner thorsten at tgreiner.net
Fri May 21 09:41:19 PDT 2004

* Christopher Rued <c.rued at xsb.com> [2004-05-21 18:31]:
> (a && !b) || (!a && b).
> There is no XOR boolean operator in Java, AFAIK.

Come on guys, think before you hit that send button: the boolean
operators in Java are:

    !   NOT
    &   AND
    |   OR
    ^   XOR

There are two short-ciruit operators:

    &&  AND
    ||  OR

These do not evaluate their right hand side expression if the left
side is either false (&&) or true (||). You actually should find
that in any entry level book on Java programming.


You're not out of shape... because technically a circle is a shape.
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