Java Keytool Assistance

Adrian Portsmouth adrian at
Thu May 20 07:17:27 PDT 2004

Hi Everyone,

I have FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE-p22 installed on my server and I have today been
installing Java. Due to the version of BSD I can only use up to Java Version
1.3.1 so I have set out installing that following a variety of instructions
through the ports tree.

This is installed and appears to be working fine as I have installed a java
class from a client and it runs as expected.

I am now however trying to update my cacerts due to the following issue
discussed at this URL:

It gives some instructions which relate to the 'keytool' which I have never
heard of before today. I have tried running this keytool command from the
command prompt as it appears to suggest and it comes back stating command
not found. I then try running:

/usr/local/jdk1.3.1/jre/bin/java keytool

Which then comes back with:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: keytool

I have tried Googling for the error but it appears as though this is a
generic error and it concentrates on the "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError"
part of the message and doesn't kick much back for keytool so I am assuming
I am attempting to use this the wrong way.

At the moment I am at a complete loss and would appreciate it if anyone
could provide any advice as to how I should be using this tool or what I
need to do to enable myself to learn and use it. 

Kind Regards,

Adrian Portsmouth
Inmeres Solutions Ltd
[e] adrian at

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