jdk 1.4

Robert Huff roberthuff at rcn.com
Tue Jun 8 00:46:39 GMT 2004

Bill Vermillion writes:
>  And this is Bill who had the problem on 4.10.  My problem appears
>  to be that the 4.10 install at least wants an installed java port
>  and since this was the first attempt it wanded the sun-linux java
>  port which I got.
>  I got a failed system call, and Kris Kennaway said he had seen
>  other with Linuxcompatibility problems in the 4.10.

	I am also having problems with - so I have been told - Linux
compatibility on -Current,  (The symptom is linux-sun-jdk14 vm says
"Heap at VM abort".)
	The question: with whom do we work to diagnose and fix this?  I
have two major apps (mozilla and OpenOffice) which are
... incomplete ... because of this.

				Robert Huff

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