Installation Questions (JDK on FreeBSD 4.9)

Duane Winner duanewinner at
Mon Jan 12 11:27:34 PST 2004


After many trials and errors, cobbling together out-of-date howto's and
banging my head against the wall, I have finally figured out how to get
a native JDK1.3.1 w/ patchset 8 installed and running on FreeBSD 4.9.

But I'm fairly new to FreeBSD and still don't understand much about Java
on FreeBSD and could use some help here.

I see that the latest patchset for 1.3.1 is '9', not '8'. How do I
compile with patchset 9?

It looked like if I just edit the Makefile in /usr/ports/java/jdk13 and
change the line "JDK_PATCHSET_VERSION=" to '9', that would do it, but
apparently not. What else must I do to it to compile with patchset 9?
(I tried w/ NO_CHECKSUM="yes", but that still didn't do it -- I see that
distinfo has the MD5 checksums for j2sdk-1_3_1-src.tar.gz and

And can anybody tell me exactly what the 'real' story and status of JDK
on FreeBSD is? Should I even be concerned about patchset 9? Is it
stable? Is JDK1.3.1 stable? Can I install JDK1.4 and run it reliably? I
had to scour the Internet to find what I needed in order to get what I
have installed and running, but in the process, found so much
conflicting information that I'm still not clear about things. For
instance, eyesbeyond still says that the 1.1.8 is the only official
native release, but the I found stuff all over that said that a deal has
been struck with Sun and 1.3.1 is good, or even 1.4 -- I don't know. 

Anyway, any advice, tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Here's exactly what I did to get a native build of JDK 1.3.1 on FreeBSD

JDK 1.3.1 (Native install w/ patchset 8)

     1. Copied the following files to /usr/ports/distfiles:

Installed the Linux JDK:

     1. # cd /usr/ports/java/linux-sun-jdk13
     2. # make install
     3. Tested: #/usr/local/linux-sun-jdk1.3.1/bin/java -version
     4. OK - so then typed “make clean”

Installed the native JDK:

     1. # cd /usr/ports/java/jdk13
     2. # make install
     3. Tested: #/usr/local/jdk1.3.1/bin/java -version
     4. OK, so then typed 'make clean'
     5. #pkg_delete linux-sun-jdk-

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