Tomcat and Java system wide crash

Aleksander Rozman - Andy andy at
Tue Aug 17 07:05:28 PDT 2004

Hi !

I am using java 1.4.2-p5 and I just installed Tomcat 4 (4.1.29) and here is 
the problem. When I start machine tomcat starts ok, but if I do
tomcat41ctl stop and tomcat41ctl start machine crashes. I get that nasty 
little screen page fault bla bla bla... cause ... java.
Did this happen to somebody else, and where could be the problem?

Take care,

*  Aleksander Rozman - Andy  * Fandoms:  E2:EA, SAABer, Trekkie, Earthie *
*     andy at     * Sentinel, BH 90210, True's Trooper,       *
*    andy at   * Heller's Angel, Questie, Legacy, PO5,     *
* Maribor, Slovenia (Europe) * Profiler, Buffy (Slayerete), Pretender    *
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