Installing jdk-1.4.2p6_4.tgz

Ean Kingston ean at
Thu Aug 5 11:26:26 PDT 2004

Frederick N. Brier wrote:
> I am not real good with FreeBSD yet and am having problems installing 
> the jdk-1.4.2p6_4.tgz, built on one of my machines, on another.  When I 
> tried to do a pkg_add, it complained that it needed javavmwrapper-1.4 
> and urwfonts-1.0, but did not do a remote fetch.

What (I think) you want to do is:
pkg_add -r javavmwrapper-1.4	# Fetch remotely along with dependencies
pkg_add -r urwfonts-1.0		# same as above but the other package
pkg_add jdk-1.4.2p6_4.tgz	# install from local copy

That way you don't have to worry about fetching all the dependencies for 
the stuff you fetch remotely.

>  So I installed 
> portupgrade, but it wants to rebuild the whole thing over again from the 
> Sun sources and patches.  I have put jdk-1.4.2p6_4.tgz in the 
> /usr/ports/distfiles directory.  But am not sure what the correct 
> command is.  I did not want to have to hand fetch each dependency and 
> rerun to find out the next dependency, ad nauseum.  Thank you for any help.

You can tell portupgrade to prefer packages to ports (but I forget the 
specific command line). See the man page for portupgrade if you want to 
try this.

I don't really like portupgrade. It seams to destablalize my system too 
much. I prefer cvssup and packages/ports.

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