Native jdk1.4.1 working

Ernst de Haan ernst.dehaan at
Mon Sep 8 01:03:09 PDT 2003

Could somebody provide a test case, preferrably source code for a small 
non-graphical Java program that will demonstrate if system preferences work 

If I have that, I can change the port and then test to confirm it now works 


On donderdag 4 september 2003 22:21, Georg-W. Koltermann wrote:
> On Do, 2003-09-04 at 11:21, Ernst de Haan wrote:
> > I could use a suggested patch for this *hint* *hint* :-)
> >
> > Ernst
> Not really a patch, but from looking at the shell script of the Linux
> distribution I see they are creating a hierarchy like the following:
>         $ ls -lRa $JAVA_HOME/jre/.systemPrefs
>         total 4
>         drwxr-xr-x  2 bin  bin  512  4 Sep 22:01 .
>         drwxrwxrwt  5 bin  bin  512  4 Sep 22:00 ..
>         -rw-r--r--  1 bin  bin    0  4 Sep 22:00 .system.lock
>         -rw-r--r--  1 bin  bin    0  4 Sep 22:00 .systemRootModFile
>         $
> (The owner/group above was my choice, the Linux script leaves these
> default so they would probably be root:root.)
> Indeed, when I create these files by hand in the native 1.4.1 JDK, I
> don't get any errors any more from programs trying to modify system
> preferences.  They just run and silently ignore the fact that the system
> preferences are not writable, which is probably the proper behavior for
> any non-Windows system.
> As a side-note, the Linux JDK script also sets up the user's .mailcap
> and .mime.types to include the mime type for Java Web Start if it can
> write to those files.  This is only done for $HOME, i.e. is does not
> make much sense for a port/package which will usually be installed by
> root for system-wide use.  We might find a system-wide MIME
> configuration file and edit that instead.
> Sorry to be of not much help here, there's only 24 hours in a day but
> you know that already.

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