I'm stumped... JNI crashes JVM

Michael E. Mercer mmercer at nc.rr.com
Tue Nov 18 12:40:03 PST 2003

Hello Peoples,

This is on FreeBSD 4.9-Stable, with the latest 1.4.2p5 JDK.

I am trying to allocate an object array "NewObjectArray()"
where I verified busClass, initID, and env are not NULL.

the call is:
array = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, 1, busClass, 
         (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, busClass, initID));

This line crashes the JVM... if I change 

(*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, busClass, initID) ---> NULL

then it continues until it reaches this line:

(*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, array,0, jobjectBus);

crashes the JVM...

Any ideas to what I am doing wrong?


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