IPv4 support disabled by default in 1.4.2p5, still applet crashes

Markus D. un1du2el at gmx.net
Wed Nov 12 23:21:55 PST 2003

Running some applets or applications which use network resources, I get the
following message:

--- begin ---
I/O exception while reading: IPv4 mapped addresses usage is turned off.  Set
net.inet6.ip6.v6only=0 or use '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true' to disable
java IPv6 supportI/O exception while reading: IPv4 mapped addresses usage is
turned off.  Set net.inet6.ip6.v6only=0 or use
'-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true' to disable java IPv6 support.
--- end ---

This prevents also applets from running (but there is no warning).

Even more, some applets are still crashing. For example:

http://go.icq.com/ crashes with an error in native code (open-motif)

https://www.1822direkt.com/ crashes plugin and browser with the following
"INTERNAL ERROR on browser end: plugin instance index out of bounds 17704
System Error?::Resource temporarily unavailable"

Trying to run this applet in appletviewer (with IPv4 enabled) return a "No
Trusted certificate found", although the certificate was imported via

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