FYI: Full Duplex Sound in JAVA.

Michael E. Mercer mmercer at
Wed Nov 12 13:35:48 PST 2003


PLEASE NOTE: If your soundcard is not full duplex compatible, 
this DOES NOT magically give you full duplex.

In case you don't know....

If you would like to open both the TargetDataLine and SourceDataLine
in JAVA at the same time, you need to define -DFULL_DUPLEX when you
compile jdk1.4.1/2.

I think this will do it. I need someone to confirm this because I 
just changed the #define in 


from "NO_FULL_DUPLEX" to "FULL_DUPLEX" to get this effect.

This define uses the code that sets your soundcard to full duplex.

Hope this is found useful,
Michael E Mercer

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