
Aristedes Maniatis ari at
Wed Nov 12 05:00:01 PST 2003

Are there any short term plans to update the benchmarking pages on the 
web site, now with the strong progress on 1.4.2 and the formal release 
of 1.3.1?

Ideally I'd love to see a comparison between the blackdown, sun, ibm 
and freebsd JVMs. We are running the FreeBSD 1.3.1 port in production 
but some old benchmarks I've found suggest that the IBM JVM might be 
several orders of magnitude faster. But since the comparisons were 
several years ago, I'm curious what others have discovered.

Ari Maniatis

ish group pty ltd
7 Darghan St Glebe 2037 Australia
phone +61 2 9660 1400   fax +61 2 9660 7400
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