-server flag and native VM

Munehiro Matsuda haro at kgt.co.jp
Tue May 27 17:41:03 PDT 2003


From: "Roman Kennke" <roman.kennke at cognition.uni-freiburg.de>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 21:19:02 +0200
::I try to use the -server - flag with the native VM 1.3.1
::and it only says: 'java was not found in
::Obviously there is no file java in this directory. In the
::linux-sun - version of the 1.3.1 VM there are several files
::in this dir, including java. Is it not possible to use
::native threads in the native VM? Or do I have to invoke it
::in a different way? 

To invoke native threads, you have to use -native option.
Also, you need to have the jdk compiled/installed with

The -server option applies to HotSpot Server VM, which
you have to set WITH_HOTSPOT flag when compiling/installing
the jdk1.3.1 port.

Hope this helps,
           _ _    Munehiro (haro) Matsuda
 -|- /_\  |_|_|   Network & Security Dept., Kubota Graphics Technologies Inc.
 /|\ |_|  |_|_|   2-8-8 Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
                  Tel: +81-3-3225-0373  Fax: +81-3-3225-0740
                  Email: haro at kgt.co.jp

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