jdk14 port usable for development?

Jonathan Chen jonc at chen.org.nz
Tue Jul 22 02:41:29 PDT 2003

On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 08:58:53AM +0200, Ernst de Haan wrote:
> Mike,
> It may be. I'm using it for development, mostly Ant-based builds, and I 
> experience regular problems which seem to pertain to forks. Then the java 
> process seems to hang with 98% CPU usage. It's not reproducible, but it 
> seems to happen more and more on my system.

This has been send-pr'd:


and hopefully Alexey will be able to come up with fixes in upcoming
Jonathan Chen <jonc at chen.org.nz>
                 When you don't know what you are doing, do it neatly.

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