Running server-side Java on FreeBSD in production environments

Jean-Baptiste Quenot jbq at
Wed Dec 3 03:09:11 PST 2003

* Nick Johnson:

> One sorta  hokey/kludgy thing  I do  as well is  to perform  a nightly
> restart of all my JVMs.  I don't know  if I still need to do that with
> 1.4.2-p5.  The  main reason I've been  doing it at all  is that memory
> seems  to get  fragmented  or  possibly some  objects  are just  never
> getting garbage  collected, so the  JVM processes were using  more CPU
> and memory as time went by.   I haven't verified whether this is still
> problematic in p5.

You can prevent the OutOfMemory errors by preventing the class reloading
from happening.  On resin: class-update-interval='31536000'.

Jean-Baptiste Quenot
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