jdk14 on -current

Andrew Lankford arlankfo at 141.com
Sat Aug 23 09:38:40 PDT 2003

Yeah, I noticed that problem while attempting to build jdk13
 with hotspot.  

BTW, I noticed that "setenv DEBUG_PROG gdb" doesn't work because
of the way DEBUG_PROG is used in the .java_wrapper script:

exec $DEBUG_PROG "$prog" "$vmopt" "$@"

>From a  quick look at the gdb manpage, I understand that gdb
isn't supposed to pass on the values of vmopt and $@ over to 
$prog.  Instead it just complains about them and exits.  I
 guess the other alternatives are to create a .gdbinit script
 on the fly or just do a 
" shell java YourProblematicJavaProggy " from gdb (neither of
 which help very much with the other problem I've encountered with running jdk13, oh vey ).

Andrew Lankford 


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