java/44041: Generate from an XML file

Herve Quiroz herve.quiroz at
Wed Apr 30 15:23:22 PDT 2003


I was in the mood for some XSLT coding so I decided to take care of this
one hour ago. So far, I've finished everything up to step 3 (included) but
I will need to get some sleep sooner or later ;)

So I was wondering if you still need this XML-> tool... and if
you (or anybody else) had already done something about it.

I am missing the _JAVA_VERSIONS= [...] line for now because I don't know
how to eliminate duplicates in a string easily. Also I think the step 4
will be complex (but not impossible) because I can't find an easy way of
enforcing the rules you describe in the comments. But then again, things
could look easier after a good sleep.



On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Ernst de Haan wrote:

> Maintaining the file is not an easy thing to do. The addition of
> new JDK ports is a pain.
> It would be nice if the file would be generated from an XML file
> using XSLT. The XML file could look something like this:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <bsdjavamk>
> 	<vendor id="blackdown" name="Blackdown" />
> 	<vendor id="ibm"       name="IBM" />
> 	<vendor id="sun"       name="Sun MicroSystems" />
> 	<platform id="linux"   name="Linux" />
> 	<platform id="freebsd" name="FreeBSD" />
> 	<javavm version="1.1.8" stability="good" platform="#freebsd" />
> 	<javavm version="1.2.2" stability="good" platform="#freebsd" />
> 	<javavm version="1.3.1" stability="good" platform="#freebsd" />
> 	<javavm vendor="#sun" version="1.2.2" stability="good" platform="#linux" />
> 	<javavm vendor="#sun" version="1.3.1" stability="good" platform="#linux" />
> 	<javavm vendor="#sun" version="1.4.0" stability="poor" platform="#linux" />
> 	<javavm vendor="#blackdown" version="1.2.2" stability="good" platform="#linux" />
> 	<javavm vendor="#blackdown" version="1.3.1" stability="good" platform="#linux" />
> 	<javavm vendor="#blackdown" version="1.4.1" stability="poor" platform="#linux" />
> 	<javavm vendor="#ibm" version="1.3.1" stability="medium" platform="#linux" />
> </bsdjavamk>

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