Minimal devices in a jail

Dewayne Geraghty dewayne.geraghty at
Fri Jan 19 03:16:53 UTC 2018

While attempting to find a functional jail with the smallest number of
devices, I was surprised that a jail with only
jail3#  ls /dev/
crypto  null    random  urandom zero

was actually functional.  (I expected it to require /dev/{stdin, stdout,
stderr, fs*}

>From the base system, I start "jexec jail3 tcsh", and when that started,

jail3# fstat
USER     CMD          PID   FD MOUNT      INUM MODE         SZ|DV R/W
root     fstat      40606 text /bj      12241168 -r-xr-xr-x   18360  r
root     fstat      40606 ctty /bj         235 crw--w----   pts/4 rw
root     fstat      40606   wd /        7384356 drwxr-xr-x    1024  r
root     fstat      40606 root /        7384356 drwxr-xr-x    1024  r
root     fstat      40606 jail /        7384356 drwxr-xr-x    1024  r
root     fstat      40606    0 /           235 crw--w----   pts/4 rw
root     fstat      40606    1 /           235 crw--w----   pts/4 rw
root     fstat      40606    2 /           235 crw--w----   pts/4 rw
root     fstat      40606    3 /        7389794 -rw-------   40960  r
sh ...

So after some further testing it appears to use std{in,out,err},
multiple filedescriptors and well, functional.

Is something causing the jail to inherit std{in,out,err} functionality. 
If there is, are there others?  And the pts device seems to be inherited
from the parent/base jail, even though there is no /dev/pts in the jail?

This is on  FreeBSD 11.1-STABLE  r327954M amd64 1101506 1101506  with
/etc/jail.conf entry reads:
b6 { persist; ip4.addr = ","; devfs_ruleset = "4"; }

(My intent is for a teeny jail to start, run a script (PKI key
generation stuff) then terminate and yes the base system only: starts
jails & runs ntp in a chroot). 

Kind regards, Dewayne.

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