Unable to get jail paramters values

James Gritton jamie at gritton.org
Wed Oct 25 17:08:39 UTC 2017

On 2017-10-24 13:10, Andrew Hotlab wrote:
>> How can I get real jail.param values for a specific running jail?
> Replying to my own question... I just fount that it's possible to
> know it from the host with the command jls(8). Here is an example:
> root at host01:~ # jls -nj jtest01 allow.raw_sockets
> allow.raw_sockets=1
> Someone can tell me if it is possible to get the same info by issuing
> a command inside the jail?

A note on your original question: the security.jail.param.* sysctls are 
dummies, just there to tell jail(8) (and anyone else who cares) about 
the available parameters.

For the current question, I'm afraid the answer is no.  While many 
(most?) parameters are fine to know, the idea is that there are security 
considerations to knowing some things about your own prison.  So this 
inability is a conscious decision.  As to whether there actually *are* 
any security considerations to knowing about yourself, that may be 
something of an open question.  Certainly the things you can test in 
other ways (like allow.raw_sockets) aren't a concern.

- Jamie

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