VNET jail and dhclient

Goran Mekić meka at
Mon Oct 9 07:31:29 UTC 2017


TLDR: I can setup static IP or use dhcpcd to get address, but not dhclient.

Let me elaborate. I run 12-CURRENT on my laptop and use CBSD as jail manager (I don't think it matters).

# dhclient eth0

This is what I found with truss: Selected lines are what I think is the problem. Offending line in the code is probably With that asumption, Oleg, CBSD author, noticed that the following "patch" works:

diff -ruN dhclient.c-o dhclient.c
--- dhclient.c-o        2017-10-08 13:06:59.134921000 +0300
+++ dhclient.c  2017-10-08 13:07:48.047004000 +0300
 -504,8 +504,8

        if (cap_rights_limit(routefd, &rights) < 0 && errno != ENOSYS)
                error("can't limit route socket: %m");

-       if (chroot(_PATH_VAREMPTY) == -1)
-               error("chroot");
+//     if (chroot(_PATH_VEREMPTY) == -1)
+//             error("chroot");
        if (chdir("/") == -1)

I just assume that commenting out capsicum part of code would do the same (didn't try it) as I can create files under /var/empty and perms look normal.

Does anyone have a fairly recent 12-CURRENT VNET jail running with dhclient? If yes, what jail manager, if any? Also, could you recommend the way continue from this point given I never worked with capsicum? Thank you!

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