ezjail and UPDATING20131010

Dirk Engling erdgeist at erdgeist.org
Fri Oct 11 18:19:38 UTC 2013

On 11.10.13 19:44, wishmaster wrote:

> No, no. There is one solution. You should stopping to uses tools like
> this. Instead write own shell-script which do what you need. Overall,
> Jail is like "Lego" constructor :-).

Excuse me? The ezjail framework indeed tries to implement best practises
to protect its users from the common pitfalls of installing and updating
virtual servers. Why exactly would you expect everyone to implement
their own scripts?

Lately the development of the new jail(8) tool made it harder to
automatize administrating jail configs just using base system tools.
Once the features of the tool has settled, ezjail will try to cope with
the impact.


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