vfs jail-friendly

Rodrigo Mosconi freebsd at mosconi.mat.br
Wed Jun 16 05:11:22 UTC 2010

Hi all!

I would like to know which File-System are setted as "Jail-Friendly"
(JF for short) on 8.1-PRERELEASE?

On ZFS is marked as JF, but on file "src/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/
lib/libzfs/common/libzfs_dataset.c" the jailed property was setted as
"not supported by FreeBSD".

I notice some wrappers to suport jails in ZFS ("libzfs.h")

As example:
Tales# zfs set jailed=on Tales/t1
property 'jailed' not supported on FreeBSD: permission denied

My big question: Why UFS isn't a JF FS, if the UFS is the native FS
(not ported from others projects, as ZFS, or tempfs)?

All this doubts are because I'm trying to make a diskless-like rc
script (just for fun/test my skills) to startup jails.

I thought a single shared root, with the ZFS dataset as /conf - maybe
I need a separated mount table to use somethink like md devices, or
mount the jail specific etc directly, if the zfs jail command isolate
the dataset from the others jails...

An Utopia (I now that doesn't work, but it's a suggestion):
# mount
Tales/jails/base on /jails/base (zfs, local)
Tales/t1 on /jails/base/etc (zfs, local(?))
Tales/t2 on /jails/base/etc (zfs, local(?))
# jexec 1 ls /etc
# jexec 2 ls /etc



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