can jail use 2 NICS?

huynhnguyen huynhnguyen at
Wed Nov 12 17:27:19 PST 2008

I got the answer. 
Thank Bill, thank Bjoern .

Re: can jail use 2 NICS?
> In response to "huynhnguyen" <huynhnguyen at>:
>> -          my server have 2 NICs,

On Wed, 12 Nov 2008, Bill Moran wrote:
> It's not possible with the current codebase.  There's work being done
> to add this feature to 8.x, but with 7.x and earlier, you need to
> figure out how to make your jails work with a single NIC.

>On Wed, 12 Nov 2008, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

>obviously, as Bill already indicated, you need a patch to have more than
>one IP per jail as the current jail system in any version of freebsd only
>supports one IP address (see man pages).

>If you have the patch compiled in ...

> jail_jail1_interface="bge0, bge1"

>remove this and similar lines from your configuration. 
>You had the IPs configured on the interfaces already anyway.

> jail_jail1_ip=","

A>nd remove the white space after the comma.

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