Rsync in cron job fails to function

Charles Hatvany charles at
Tue Mar 8 23:08:38 UTC 2011


I am not sure if there is a better place to ask this question.  I have a 
shell script (single line):

rsync -avz -e "ssh -i /root/cron/web-rsync-key" /usr/home/ 
root at > /etc/rsync/output

which works fine if I run it from a prompt as:


and produces output as expected to file /etc/rsync/output.

crontab contains (single line):

0,10,20,30,40,50        *       *       *       *       root /etc/rsync/sync

Cron log shows:

Mar  7 15:40:02 web /usr/sbin/cron[66012]: (root) CMD (/etc/rsync/sync)

BUT, output contains nothing (assuming I reset it to that before cron 
executes the job.

Any ideas or a better place to ask this or a way to debug it?


Charles Hatvany

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