colo swap

Daniel Duerr dd at
Mon Jun 28 23:40:51 UTC 2010

Hello fellow FreeBSD ISPs,

My name is Daniel and my company,, is a managed hosting provider in the Silicon Valley who specializes in FreeBSD servers.  In an effort to diversify our presence and better cope with geographic network issues, we're looking to place a single 1U server in another tier 1 data center anywhere other than Verio (which is our colo now), ideally outside of California.  We get great service from Verio but we need maximum redundancy that can most easily be had through a different network/geographic area.

We would like to do a space trade with another ISP/data center.  Anyone out there who might be interested in a swap like this?

Feel free to check out our website at


daniel duerr   |   president   |
Managed hosting services for Business

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