Recommended IMAP server?

Michael W. Lucas mwlucas at
Wed Jun 27 02:48:06 UTC 2007


I find myself needing to implement IMAP on FreeBSD.  Any suggestions
on the "preferred" IMAP server?

It appears that we have three "main" IMAP daemons in ports: imap-wu,
cyrus-imapd, and courier-imap.  I need to pick one.  My mail system
uses Sendmail+sasl2 and milter-greylist.  I want to stick as close to
a "stock" FreeBSD as possible, so I'm not into reading users from LDAP
or anything like that.

It seems that imap-wu lets you synch up to /var/mail/username, but
only that.

Courier uses maildir, which means installing procmail and having a
.procmailrc for every account.

It appears that cyrus-imap23 uses its own delivery agent to build a
maildir-like structure.

Does this pretty much summarize my choices, or are there other things
I should be aware of before implementing any of these on FreeBSD?


Michael W. Lucas 	mwlucas at, mwlucas at
      Coming Soon: "Absolute FreeBSD" --
On 5/4/2007, the TSA kept 3 pairs of my soiled undies "for security reasons."

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