This message failed an Anti-Virus or File Filter Scan prior to delivery. Please contact your system administrator.

NotesGW3/Washington_University at NotesGW3/Washington_University at
Thu Jan 25 12:55:02 UTC 2007


Please do not reply to this message as it was sent from an unattended

 If you received this failure message, but didn't send an email, you
probably do not have a computer virus, and this message can be deleted.
Many viruses have the ability to forge the sender's name.  This can make a
message appear to come from you, when it actually did not.
If you did send this message, please update your virus scanning software
and check your file attachments before attempting re-delivery.
Specific file attachments are not permitted, including .PIF, .SCR, .CMD,
.VBS, and .COM files.
If you believe you have received this notification in error, please contact
your system administrator

The scanned document was QUARANTINED.

Violation Information:
The attachment document1.pif contained the risk W32.Sality.U and was
quarantined on server NotesGW3/Washington University.  No attempt was made
to repair.
The filename extension of attachment document1.pif violated the content
filtering rule PIF.

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