Marcin Jessa lists at yazzy.org
Tue Mar 21 11:35:21 UTC 2006

On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 19:12:34 +0100
Jon Otterholm <jon.otterholm at ide.resurscentrum.se> wrote:

> Hi.
> I have a router running 6.0-RELEASE with a bunch of customers accessing 
> the internet and and other nets. I want to offer them services so that 
> they can access their own network from Internet running PPTP VPN. How is 
> this best accomplished? How can I isolate them to their own network?

I am not sure if this can be done.
First of all each of them would need to have a PPTP connection from their homes to your server.
Then you would need to add static routes for their home networks.
Each network of the home users would need to be on a different range.
To be able do disallow one user to access network of the others you would propably have to segment
your network at work possibly with multiple VLANs or allow your users to access the outside only with their 
own VPN connection to your VPN router/gateway.  There you would add custom rules for each 
of the networks/IPs of the VPN on both sides.


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