Backup solutions

Eric Anderson anderson at
Sat Nov 26 13:02:03 GMT 2005

Robert Watson wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, Eric Anderson wrote:
>>> FWIW, i have read that by far the best is dump, because of the way it 
>>> deals with the raw data. No need to worry bout files with holes in 
>>> them (with other backup tools, this could mean you may not be able to 
>>> fit the file system back on after backup, if there are core files 
>>> etc) I believe i read this in the O'Rielly text Unix Power Tools, but 
>>> could be wrong. They also referenced an extensive test that was done 
>>> by someone, and gave the link. I will post it if i find it.
>> rsync handles sparse files just fine.
> The problem I've had with rsync is that it wants to build a list of all 
> files to be backed up.  On my cyrus server, I have file systems with >6m 
> files.  This causes rsync to core dump when it discovers it can't 
> allocate memory to hold the entire list at once.
> Recently I've taken to backing up with dump -L, as the snapshot facility 
> means recovery after a failure is a lot easier -- you no longer have to 
> worry about the fact that the first file in a directory might be backed 
> up at 10:00am, and the second at 2:00pm, causing applications to get 
> very upset.

Unfortunately, I don't have that option, since the servers I am backing 
up are linux machines with a custom filesystem that does not support 
snapshots.  rsync is easy on the network, but hard on the disks.


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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