a data center with lots of FreeBSD machines

Igor Shmukler igor.shmukler at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 08:30:27 PST 2005

We are searching two additional pilot sites for our FreeBSD solution.
We are looking for a deployment with a large numbers of machines
running FreeBSD for either hosting or some other production workload.
Has to be 50 servers or more.

What do you get:
1. advanced software that will significantly improve your productivity
2. support from highly knowledgeable technical staff
3. free publicity for your company

For additional details please reply with:
1. a total number of FreeBSD machines you have
2. what version[s] of FreeBSD are you running
3. for what are these machine being primarily used
4. type of hardware you have ( x86, x64 or other)

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