FTP controlled by SQL

Mark Johnston mjohnston at skyweb.ca
Wed Mar 16 11:54:37 PST 2005

On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 13:45 -0500, Scott St. John wrote:
> I have a client who wants to be able to add/remove users to an FTP site. 
> They do not have access to the machine so this sounds like a job for PHP and
> MySQL.  I have been trying (pulling hair out) with Proftp and MySQL.
> My question is:  is anyone on the list doing something like this and what
> are you using?

I'm doing something very like this, using the ProFTPD port version
1.2.10_1 and PostgreSQL.  Relevant config chunks:

AuthPAM                         off
DefaultRoot                     ~
SQLConnectInfo dbname at db.host.fqdn username password
SQLAuthenticate users		# Could also use groups
SQLAuthTypes Plaintext		# Passwords are stored as plaintext
SQLHomedirOnDemand on		# Create missing home directories
SQLNegativeCache on		# Cache missing usernames
SQLDefaultGID 10000		# Everyone will get this GID
SQLMinUserUID 10000		# Users must be at least UID 10000
SQLNamedQuery getuser SELECT "name, password, uid, NULL, '/home/' ||
name, NULL FROM domain WHERE name = '%U' AND enabled"
SQLUserInfo custom:/getuser

Basically, this turns off PAM, and authenticates using the given SQL
query.  It doesn't use groups (everyone gets the DefaultGID of 10000).
The order in the SQLNamedQuery is significant - it's name, password,
numeric uid, numeric gid, home directory, something else (sorry).  %U is
the username the user entered.

Management of the database table is done with an internal web front-end,
but it's a trivial matter of programming anyway.  PHP sounds eminently


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