Monitoring traffic volumes by country

dima _pppp at
Tue Jan 18 01:36:16 PST 2005

> Can anyone suggest a tool that can collect statistics on traffic volumes 
> by the country of the remote host.  That on its own would go a long way 
> for me, but if it coulod also break down on incoming vs outgoing traffic 
> and by local port number that would be ideal.
NetFlow is the "ideal" solution for you.
The best solution for FreeBSD would be ng_netflow kernel module
since all the other implementations (softflowd, fprobe, ntop etc)
use pcap which is a quite CPU-consuming way.

You can:
1) force collector to aggregate traffic by source AS
   and find out autonomous system to country relation somehow;
2) aggregate traffic by source IP and make the IP address to country resolution with GeoIP.

> I figure someone must have built something like this already, probably 
> using something along the lines of the GeoIP service to do IP -> country 
> code lookups.
> Any suggestions?
> Andrew McNaughton

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