proftpd, mass virtual hosting and symlinks

Michael R. Wayne wayne at
Thu Jun 5 13:12:34 PDT 2003

On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 04:55:44PM +0100, Marco Gonçalves wrote:
> Use FTP,
> i do virual hosting on my server, and since i use PureFTPd all muy trouble finished

We're looking at changing ftpd daemons and would like comments from
other ISPs.  We have a couple of core requirements that we have
not been able to get by with either Pure or Pro to date.

- All users have a login account so there's no sql issues.

- We need anonymous FTP per domain.  All uploaded files which get
  uploaded via anonymous ftp for a domain need to be owned by a
  user/group associated with this domain and set in the config
  file.  Obviously, the incoming directory is set to write only.

- We also need password protected FTP per domain.  The ftp user is
  always in the same unix group as the main account holder and,
  once again, uploaded files need to be owned by the associated
  user/group.  Restricted write access is set in config file and
  real account user has full access rights.

Last time we checked, the only thing that did all this was WUFTP.
Has this changed?

/\/\ \/\/

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