Who are using FreeBSD for Hosting Env. and Which Update Method

Bill Vermillion bv at wjv.com
Tue Dec 9 20:21:16 PST 2003

Somewhere around Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 16:07 , the world stopped and listened
as Eric Anderson graced us with this profound tidbit of wisdom
 that would fulfill the ejoyment of future generations:

> Bill Vermillion wrote:
> [..snip..]

> >And since I do it remotely, I login, build with nohup and logout
> >and check the logs the next day.  Beside 'feeling right' - I don't
> >have to do anyting.  I tell it to do it, and it does it.

> Why not use screen?

Why?  I visit check on at least 6 machines each day.  The nohup
ensures the builds continue while I log out of that machine and
onto another.

If it was only one machine and I was to do other work I could use
screen.  But it's in, check the logs, check root/postmaster mail,
off to another machine.  If I had to do other things during a build
screen would also work.  But I run the builds late at night when
the loads are lowest.

And for at least the machines that I don't visit often I get nightly
emails starting about 1130PM on successful backup and bit-level

Then I back on my own local beastie [actually two of them]

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com

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