Best methods for preventing SSH allowing FTP

Blake Swensen blake at
Wed Aug 20 17:08:19 PDT 2003

Thanks to all for chiming in on this one.

I haven't had much luck with the /etc/login.access method.  -- thanks 
Scott for reminding me -- It might have something to do with NIS(?), but 
it seems to be ignored (maybe because NIS groups aren't accessed by this 

The myriad of shell ideas are interesting, but would need to be 
propagated to all machines on the network... this is do-able.  I like 
the idea of writing a small script (thanks Walter) to send a little 
message to the user.

Wasn't there some security issue around using a script as the default 
shell.... especially since one invokes a shell to make this work?


Blake Swensen wrote:
> Anyone have suggestions for the best methods for locking an account so 
> that a user or a group can only ftp/POP/IMAP and prevent all other access.
> Blake

The Internet Rescue Company -
Blake R. Swensen         Pyramus Online, Inc.
President                2080 SE Oak Grove Blvd. Suite 11
                          Milwaukie, Oregon 97267
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