Best methods for preventing SSH allowing FTP

Walter Hop freebsd at
Wed Aug 20 11:08:50 PDT 2003

[in reply to blake at, 20-8-2003]

> Anyone have suggestions for the best methods for locking an account so
> that a user or a group can only ftp/POP/IMAP and prevent all other
> access.

We make use of two special shells to limit access and make it more clear
what an account is used for. These are just shell scripts:


They just contain something like this:

    echo "No SSH login allowed."
    exit 1

For FTP accounts, we set the user's shell to /usr/local/bin/ftponly.
The FTP daemon by default checks if the shell is in /etc/shells so we have
added the ftponly shellscript to /etc/shells. When people would SSH in,
they'd get the "No SSH login allowed" message.

For mail accounts, we set the user's shell to /usr/local/bin/mailonly.
We have not added this shell to /etc/shells, so FTP and SSH login are
disallowed while our mailserver (uw-imap and pop3) does not care about
this. The 'mailonly' shell is never executed, it is just there to make
administration easier.


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