DNS Server Farm

Blaz Zupan blaz.zupan at amis.net
Mon Aug 4 11:22:25 PDT 2003

> Our company has inherited/bought an ISP outfit which has around 2
> million subscribers. Among our first priority is to upgrade the DNS
> service which has been abysmal according to the users
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 20:22:22 +0200

I'm actually wondering why everybody is suggesting load balancers. This means
either single point of failure or very expensive hardware. I don't know anything
about your infrastructure, but because you have 2 million customers you probably
have many POPs which are spread out around the country.

Anycast is the solution in this case. Build lots and lots of small recursive
nameserver boxes and locate them at various points around your network. Each of
those boxes has two IP addresses: one from the local subnet and another address
which is same on all boxes - the anycast address. Put a static route on your
local router which routes the anycast address to the local IP address of each
box. Configure the nameserver so that it responds on the anycast address, but
uses the local IP address to resolve DNS records (so that you don't get in
trouble with routing the traffic from outside of your network to the local
caching nameserver, because return packets might reach the wrong box due to the
anycasting setup).

In this scenario you have lots of boxes around your network and every single one
of them is reachable by the same IP address. Now you just point your customers
DNS settings at this IP address and you're all set.

If you want automatic failover in this scenario, make the boxes speak BGP or
some other routing protocol to the local router, Zebra works fine in this
situation. Make it announce only the anycast address. If the box hiccups, the
route will disappear and your customer will use another recursing nameserver
somewhere in your network.

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