Notice on upcoming ipdbtools 1.1.1

Dr. Rolf Jansen rj at
Mon Aug 15 22:11:59 UTC 2016

> Am 14.08.2016 um 12:15 schrieb Dr. Rolf Jansen <rj at>:
> As was noticed by the port maintainer, the initial release of ipdbtools 1.1.0 into the ports did not compile on i386 systems because the lack of the __uint128_t data type on 32bit systems, and which was used for IPv6 computing.
> In the meantime, I rolled in the necessary uint128 comparison, shift and basic arithmetic operations that provide the missing built-in __uint128_t operations on 32bit systems. The 64bit targets x86-64 and arm64 continue to utilize the built-in operations.
> The changes are ready on GitHub, and I will submit a changed port PR on Monday (tomorrow) night, most of the post-mortem fixes since the initial release are included -- I won't rename the tool 'ipup', though.

I just submitted the PR for updating the port of ipdbtools to v1.1.1.

Best regards


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