net.inet{,6}.fw.enable in /etc/rc

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Mon Oct 13 16:55:32 UTC 2014

Ian Smith <smithi at> wrote
  in <20141013202423.J56328 at>:

sm> Anyway, looking at rcorder /etc/rc.d/* there are quite a few possible
sm> interdependencies to explore before considering moving ipfw, including
sm> its relationship to pf - some people do use both - and perhaps routing,
sm> bridge, defaultroute, among others?  Hard to imagine all usage cases ..

 I do not think ordering of ipfw and pf is important.  Configuration
 of routes and others can depend on netif, but not on ipfw and other
 packet filters.  One possible obstacle is a packet filter rule
 requires ifname or ifindex before the rule is added.  IPFW does not
 have such restriction, though.

sm> I like the general idea of running ipfw0 (ono) earlier to enable needed
sm> rules in this specific context - perhaps also testing whether rc.conf
sm> indicates that DHCP (or ipv6 equivalents, about which I know nothing) is
sm> actually required on at least one of the to-be-configured interfaces?
sm> I don't think it's necessary to use a special set, set 0 would be fine
sm> as any firewall script will begin with a flush anyway.  I don't think
sm> this function need require any user configuration at all, if possible,
sm> as it really is coping with an (albeit important) edge case.
sm> Couldn't proposed additions to rc.firewall just go into rc.d/ipfw0?

 I think such a testing is more complex in practice from my experience
 with improving network.subr.

 Users who want the default-deny rule at boot time should be strict
 about the rule set.  So, I want to make clear what rules are applied
 and make it configurable, and then set it to a reasonable default
 which allow only DHCPv4 and IPv6 DAD.  This is the reason why I use
 rc.firewall.  And, rc.d scirpts must be as consistent as possible in
 terms of behaviors on start and stop.  "ipfw set" is easiest way to
 remove the minimal rule set upon stop.

 These implementation choices are not harmful or complex for normal
 users after all in my opinion.  Even if we need dynamically-added
 rules depending on configuration in the future, it can be supported
 easily in this framework.

sm> Can you explain why any layer2 rules are needed specifically? Apart from
sm> testing for dest mac ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff as well as on
sm> the first rule, maybe overkill?, can't all these rules be run at layer3?

 L3 rule cannot catch the outgoing DHCPDISCOVER with the source
 address and the destination address  You can
 try this on your box.

sm> For one thing, if running L2 routing (and/or bridging), it's long been
sm> practice and advice to set (&|
sm> in /etc/sysctl.conf, and sysctl is run early .. on 9.3, first.
sm> This way you'll have to get people to update L2 configs to use this new
sm> firewall_link_enable variable as well or instead.  If L2 is really
sm> necessary, perhaps the previous setting of could be
sm> remembered by ipfw0 and exported for rc.d/ipfw, seeing this is currently
sm> the only change to rc.d/ipfw, apart from clearing of the temporary
sm> rules - which I believe the subsequent flush makes unnecessary anyway.

 Ah, I see.  I agree with this.  I will update the patch.

-- Hiroki
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