beginners questions

Russell Fulton r.fulton at
Thu Aug 30 17:44:22 PDT 2007

Before you ask, yes I've RTFM ;)  which was very imformative and there
are still some things that I have missed.

1/  Is there a way of reloading rules while maintaining the state table
or is this the default?  (put another way does flush affect dynamic rules).

2/ we are using state and also shaping traffic via pipes.  What
interaction, if any is there between pipes and state?  i.e. if a packet
gets sent to a pipe will other traffic that is matched by the dynamic
rule also get sent to the pipe?

3/ are pipes bidirectional?  I.e. do I need to say

add 02421 pipe 6 all from to any
add 02422 pipe 7 all from any to

Cheers and thanks


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