All I have is one packet!

Eduardo Meyer dudu.meyer at
Mon Aug 6 16:31:10 UTC 2007

Hello ipfw users and hackers.

I have tried, for many weeks, ng_tag to tag packets for ipfw
filtering. I could make it work fine. However, I have one problem. I
want to make a state that will match any packet, on any protocol,
between the peers. Why? Because all I have, is one packet. And this
packet however, wont always be in the same transport protocol.

For example, I can identify session initialization on TCP packets, but
once initialized, all communication between peers happen via UDP.

I know such a thing dont exist in ipfw. However, I would like to know
if someone can suggest changes to the code that would do this. Would
also be great if I could have a sysctl OID to tune state-timing of
this unusual behavior, differently from the existing sysctl mibs on
"dyn" stuff on ipfw.

Every suggestion on a feature like that, would be appreciated.

Eduardo Meyer
pessoal: dudu.meyer at
profissional: ddm.farmaciap at

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