Single machine traffic shaping

scuba at scuba at
Tue Mar 28 19:49:04 UTC 2006

Hi all,

 	Can I use dummynet to control the traffic to/from a single 
machine? I mean, I have only one interface and I want to limit the 
bandwidth based on port number.

 	I.e: Is this correct, when trying to limit any single host to use 
just 128kbps/s when connecting to my sendmail?

ipfw add 00100 pipe 10 tcp from any 25 to any in
ipfw add 00105 pipe 20 tcp from any to any dst-port 25 out

ipfw pipe 10 config mask src-ip 0xffffffff bw 128kbits/s
ipfw pipe 20 config mask dst-ip 0xffffffff bw 128kbits/s

 	Also, should those "add pipe" come before any other rule in the 
ipfw configuration?

Thank you,

- Marcelo Souza

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