
Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Fri Jun 17 19:56:21 GMT 2005

Alexandre D. wrote:
> The answer is not so easy.
> P2P is not only based on port numbers.
> The P2P detection is quite difficult, and maybe impossible.

Not at all.  Start with "deny all", and only allow stuff through which you 
really need to allow.  Blocking all outbound client traffic and requiring them 
to go through a proxy on the LAN is adequate.

> My own position is that ipfw is not able to block P2P

Besides, the word was "control".  You can shunt all high-priority stuff (NTP, 
DNS, ICMP) into one queue, and put HTTP, FTP, 6667, etc on a low-priority queue 
via dummynet, and/or adjust the permitted bandwidth.


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