Natd grows, takes too much memory and stops working.

Vini vini at
Wed Jun 8 03:28:45 GMT 2005

Hi guys,

I am just writing to describe and interesting issue that I have had with 
natd. I have a FreeBSD 4.9-Stable doing firewalling and nat for my 
network (about 250 clients, 1.5Mbps), it has run fine for a long time 
but since a while ago natd has behaved strangely.

For example if I start up the natd process now it will work fine for 
about 5 to 7 days. However, it seems not to be freeing the memory that 
it takes, consequently growing indefinitely until it takes the whole 
memory and stops working. It is really interesting when it stops working 
because there seems not to be any activity on none of the network 
interfaces, what makes the possibilities of the problem being caused by 
attack to be dramatically reduced.

In the meantime while I don't have a definitive solution for the 
problem, I have been restarting the natd process once or twice a week. 
It is far to be the solution but at least prevents my network from stop 

Has any of you had any similar issue with natd before?


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